after 30 minutes of blood and sweat (no tears) i was able to get the donut on the car!
sexy huh?
sweat: obvious! the 'blood' comes from me angrily opening the car door in to my shin... didn't really draw blood but it hurt like hell and is going to leave a pretty big shiner on my leg. the 'no tears' came from knowing last night i drove home in the most terrifying rain and lightening storm with a huge nail in my tire... and i plan to drive to athens (the greatest city on earth) in less than 48 hours. it is truly a blessing to have this occur in my own parking lot! if thats not turning lemons into lemonade... seriously though, you should have seen the nail i ran over (probably friday-ish)! i think i described it as ginormous! i am sure this flat could have happened at any time! gotta shout it out to the boys at Kauffman Tire! did you know they fix flats for FREE? i guess that is so you will continue to buy tires from them... which i will! on another note... i did find a pack of rolling papers in the compartment with the spare. unfortunately for me Marley McSnoop Dogg took the rest of their stash prior to trading in the TSX. (disclaimer: i am kidding... just in case i ever decide to run for something or the board of pharmacy finds this!)