Wednesday, August 10, 2011

wft: going to bed in the *tens*

i seriously can not remember the last time this happend!
it is amazing what one can actually accomplish in a day when you get out of bed within 2 slams of a snooze button {6:30} versus adding an hour of very interrupted sleep in 9 minute intervals.  
i got to work early (in the sevens) for a meeting at 8!  enjoyed an impromptu lunch HOUR with BABs and left the office in the fives!  i was even able to get 2 classes in at the gym {gPower AND gRide}, swing by the grocery, and was home at 8:07!  it was GLORIOUS!

dinner = jelly bellys, baked chicken breast, and a peach with a glass of pinot grigio
{hope the hubs~to~be is okay with that as a three.course.meal}
tv = only had the attention span for 3 of the YouTube acts from last night's America's Got Talent {but i think team iLuminate has this whole gig in the bag… see video below}
voluntarily going to check out for the day even though there are clothes to put away and a dirty pan in the sink!
g'night ya'll

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

yes... i know it's been a while but i have a favorite thing this week

unfortunately blogging has slipped a few rungs on the ladder with the recent "to do" list and i am ashamed that i almost lost it after a mere 6 months!  more detailed posts to come {or a series of "while i wasn't blogging"} but i had to share a couple things tonight:

1. my fiance is the most wonderful man in the world!  when i finally admitted to him that i was starting to crumble under the pressure of planning the *perfect* wedding, he stepped up without an ounce of hesitation! he has been quite the little to-do-list-assistant and has managed to plan a couple of evenings for just the 2 of us.  he has no idea {until he reads this} how wonderful it is to not have to worry about "what's for dinner?" or maybe he does know ;)  he has been so supportive and tolerant of my {what i hope is} temporary insanity.  i love him so much and can not wait to be married <3

2. in all of his fantasticness… today he bought one of the most entertaining.inventions.ever *a little back story* our cats have what one might refer to as "a little bit of a weight problem." especially "the boy one" {as i once referred to him}, Tony.
>>> the FroliCat: BOLT<<<

*i know* it looks just like a bowling pin to me too!  
BUT {fingers crossed} it is a magic-kitty-weight-loss product!  
its a red laser that randomly dances with a mirror for 15 minute intervals

this is what it does… {it gets *good* @ about 54 seconds in}
not really sure who enjoyed it more… BABs or Tony!
we shall see if we get results!  or if they figure it out that they can NEVER get the *red light*