Monday, September 26, 2011

my night in...

1. face time with the fiance who is out of town for a whole week {sad-face}: CHECK
2. Ab Ripper X: CHECK
3. spinach mozzarella chicken "hot dogs" for dinner: CHECK 
{seriously they included 3 of the 4 food groups: protein, cheese, & green vegetables}
4. $3.99 bottle of vioginer: mmm mmm CHECK {and we have the 4th food group: wine!}
5. sing off season 3: in progress!

happy fall y'all

p.s.  remember when there were four food groups?  and Pluto was a planet?  

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


yeah… so the picture below pretty much explains the title! 

ladies and gentlemen this is not a page from the catalogue!  
**this is a photo of my bathroom counter**

before last week i'll admit i had some satin hands & "thinking of you" Eau de Parfum
after finding out one of my favorite nurses was an MK not-for-profit distributor things got a little out of hand!  
God bless a 50% discount!  
facials and microdermabrasion = tuesday's favorite thing 

**on the wedding front**
186 days to go too… (a.k.a 6 months and 4 days!)
one tiny step closer to locking in an officiant 
{less need to worry Kitty}
we will however, award one lucky guest a "surprise" if they complete this application and have to use it
and the planning the honeymoon ball is rolling!!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

...find your thing...

this commercial was brought to my attention last night and i thought it pretty much sums up my workout attitude lately!  {my company makes some pretty cute commercials}  i am loving this fall-ish weather and loving walks on the Greenway.  apparently at 30 your knees go out and you get "asthma" again when you run!  walking is nice and i don't get a rash.
today's favorite things: Lady A's new album and 4th attempt to stop biting my nails this year = OPI (game day) RED

Friday, September 2, 2011

whippet good!

several favorite things to report!

1. 3 day weekends… pretty self explainatory
2. football season… Go Dawgs!  And thanks for not having the first 3 games at home starting at noon

3. new babies! {congrats Christine and Corey}  this brave lady had a surprise natural childbirth this afternoon!  ...what a hero…  but i don't really want to know her opinion on going natural!  call me crazy… but its just one of those bucket list things for me... un-like running a marathon, or becoming an iron(wo)man.  

4. 36 hour beach trips!  last friday we hit the road after work… "why do we drive 5 1/2 hours for a day trip to the sand?"  oh yes… this is why! we were home by 6 on sunday and had a little sunburn to remind us of the quickie until Wednesday!

5. whippets: 1 part pinnacle whipped cream vodka; 2 parts whynatte latte {canned caffeinated latte coffee beverage}.  the official tailgating beverage of the 2011 season for the bowers and bowers-to-be clan.  also not bad on the beach *for lunch*